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Write For Us

Welcome to Secvolt, The Best Performing Quant based Hedge Fund in 2022. We have been delivering extraordinary returns for the last 5 years.! We’re always looking for talented, experienced finance writers to share their unique perspectives with our audience. Guest blogging on our site is a great way to increase your exposure and establish yourself as an expert in the finance industry.

Who can write for us?

We welcome both experienced finance writers and those new to the field as long as they have a unique perspective to share. We’re looking for original, high-quality content that provides value to our readers.

Topics we're interested in:

We’re interested in various topics related to finance and investing, including personal finance, stock market analysis, financial planning, and current events and trends in the finance industry. We’re also open to specific angles and perspectives you may want to explore in your articles.

Guidelines for submissions:

When submitting your article, please make sure it meets the following guidelines. 

  • The word limit should be between 800-1,500 words.
  • It should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. 
  • Please include a short bio and headshot for the author box, as well as any relevant links to your website or social media profiles. 
  • We require that all content submitted be original and not previously published.

We require that all content submitted be original and not previously published.

How to submit:

Here are the steps to submit the article:

  • Please fill out the form on our website. 
  • Provide your name, email address, article title, article summary, and the article itself. 
  • Please make sure your article meets our guidelines. 

Please go through these articles to check the content flow and structure of our writing style:

Once you’ve submitted your article through the form, we’ll review it and provide feedback within 3-5 business days. We’ll let you know if we’re interested in publishing your article and work with you to finalize any edits or revisions. Once your article is published, we’ll provide a byline and author box so our readers can learn more about you.

Thank you for considering Secvolt as a platform for your writing, and we look forward to reading your submissions!

What happens next?

After you submit your article, we’ll review it and provide feedback within 7-10 business days. If we’re interested in publishing your article, we’ll let you know and work with you to finalize any edits or revisions. Once your article is published, we’ll provide a byline and author box so our readers can learn more about you.

Benefits of writing for us:

In addition to the exposure and opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in the finance industry, writing for our website also provides a valuable portfolio piece you can showcase to potential clients or employers. You’ll also receive a byline and author box on your published articles, which will help to build your brand and establish your authority in the field. We’re grateful for your contributions and excited to work with you!

Guest Post Submission Form